Wednesday, March 30, 2016

AMP Energy Festival

Content Marketing Red Bull vs AMP Energy Drink

After comparing the two brands it’s clear that Red Bull has a good idea of their doing and what type of message they want to get across. Personally I would like to pitch a original marketing campaign for AMP Energy. My idea is to have all of the athletes that AMP sponsors to come out to a AMP festival.

At this festival we can have everything that AMP has its brand on, presented there. By doing this we can target the younger audience that AMP so desperately needs. This Event would most likely be scheduled for summer. 

The festival will have a live feed which will be streamed on their Facebook and a huge screen showing live tweets using a hashtag such as #AMPEnergyFestival. By having such a large variety of athletes we can target a much more broad audience. The social feeds create traffic flow to the sites. AMP can present its drinks their and get feed back from the event. No other energy drink brand has ever done this and it can create media attention as well.